We provide tailored maintenance contracts to suit individual client needs
Once systems are installed they require regular maintenance and checks by law. We offer comprehensive maintenance contracts to cover a wide range of systems.
NCS maintenance services ensure that your systems remain in continued working order, providing your staff members and residents with support, safety, and service consistency. Upon completion of your maintenance inspection, you will be sent a copy of the maintenance check report to ensure you are notified of any repairs or alterations that are required. We can then work together to ensure any requirements are implemented as soon as possible.
By having this type of Maintenance process in place you for your business, you are safeguarding against faulty equipment in the home and will also find regular inspections by regulatory bodies such as the care commission become a routine task rather than a catch-up process. We will help you become compliant in all the disciplines above.
We work with all Nursing home types. We would firstly carry out a detailed Engineering inspection to assess the state of the electronic systems and then discuss with the client the next steps for moving forward. We also try not to make this an intrusive process for the care home.